Site Reliability, DevOps and Cloud

Sep 19-20, 2024 London, UK


Event Starts In:


Schedule (WIP - subject to change)

Day 1


Keynote: The History of DevOps in 30 minutes

Let’s wander down memory lane, and revisit all of the strange things we used to do to keep systems alive. Remember the horrible things we used to do to the tail command? File roll-over errors? Staring in horror at failed SSH connections? Well, I do and now, so will you.

Keynote: Supercharging Observability with Feature Flagging

Feature flags allow you to enable and disable code without changing or deploying any source code, as well as letting you selectively route traffic to certain users or a percentage of certain users, along with other great tricks. It’s powerful stuff … but when you combine it with observability...


Coffee break

Main lobby

Improve application resilience with chaos engineering

This session covers the basics of how to use isolation boundaries to build resilient applications, and dives deep into using chaos engineering and AWS Fault Injection Service (AWS FIS) to test those boundaries.


Navigating the Transition: SRE Challenges and Highlights in Shifting from Monolith to Microservices at adidas e-commerce

Explore adidas e-commerce's shift from monolithic to microservices in this talk. Uncover the challenges and insights faced by SREs – from scalability to incident response. Join us for practical lessons, best practices, and success stories navigating SRE in the microservices era.

How to Destroy an SRE

To understand how to retain, build and grow SREs, we need to know what not to do. In my time in tech I've been a contributor and manager and have good and bad experiences of managing and being managed. Join me as I share how not to manage SRE teams and the mistakes made in this ecosystem.


Beyond K8S - Maturing Your Platform Engineering Initiative

Trying to mature your platform engineering team? Don't know where to start, or what pitfalls may be waiting for you. Then this talk is for you. Based on real world experience gained across a variety of clients, and using the CNCF platform maturity model as a guide, we explore & answer such questions


Lunch & networking

Main lobby

Declarative Linux with the Common Operating System Interface

Sidero Labs
We run declarative systems built on top of an imperative operating system. It’s time we simplified our interface for Linux with a declarative API.


The RunWhen Authors Community: Royalties For Runbooks

Inspired by work from hyperscale SRE teams, RunWhen is building the industry's largest open source library of troubleshooting automation. Contributing Authors receive royalties when the company's enterprise customers use their code to automate root cause analysis and remediation.

Cloud Native Technologies: The Building Blocks of Modern Database Software

Learn how cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes are revolutionizing database software, enabling scalability, resilience, and agility. Join Divine a Data on Kubernetes Ambassador to explore real-world examples and best practices for building the next generation of database solutions.

Mystery of the disappearing S3 Keys

Imagine a system designed to process millions of events per day, but as use grows, data mysteriously seems to disappear, only to reappear later. We’ll talk about the what, why and how we investigated the symptoms, overturned some assumptions and finally delivered a resilient, serverless solution



Coffee break

Main lobby


Developer productivity is waste

VMware / Pivotal
We're developer productivity obsessed, worse, developer productivity METRICS obsessed. Deployment frequency! MTTR! eNPS! It's become a delightful distraction. Besides, who really benefits from this focus? This talk makes the case that we should focus more on actual craft and less on metrics.

How Google SRE and developers work together

SRE are Google's specialists for designing, building, and running complex services that are reliable, scalable, efficient, and maintainable. The SRE Engagement Model describes how the collaboration between developers and SREs works and how reliability engineering can be applied early in development.

From Hero to Zero: practical guide to destroy your best employees

All of us have attended lots of talks with the premise “from Zero to Hero…”, but what does it take for a real Rock Star, a real Ninja, a magical Unicorn, a superhero to become a complete Zero? How can we destroy those heroes in a way that every supervillain on every film has dreamt about every day?

Navigating the Path to Reliability: Crafting an SRE Roadmap for Enterprise Success

If you need to define a road map to build more reliable products through SRE building ways of working adoption, you need to make an strategy to have a solid why and a road map to reach outcomes iteratively while you follow SRE road map adoption at your company, in this talk we share a real...


Lunch & networking

Main lobby


From free-kicks to git commits

Steven Wade Consulting
Join me as I transition from football to tech, focusing on Kubernetes. Learn how teamwork, discipline, and strategy from sports influenced my tech career. Discover my journey into building developer platforms and the parallels between leading a sports team and orchestrating cloud-native environments

Accelerating Developer Experience with Backstage

The session would focus on the importance of Engineering Portals to accelerate Developer Experience by letting them "Create" Reusable Patterns, "Manage" their software catalog in a centralized inventory, and "Explore" the software ecosystem in a unified Single Pane of Glass.


Vertically Integrated in Platform Engineering: Secrets to Success When Operating the Company Within the Company

Why don't you get dedicated product support from the company? Why is it so hard to get a headcount for your platform team? Why is it so hard to drive adoption of the products you create for the dev org? The truth is that Platform Engineering is a company within a company. Run it that way.



Coffee break

Main lobby

Harness the power of Karpenter to scale, optimize & upgrade Kubernetes

Unlock the full potential of Kubernetes with Karpenter! Scale effortlessly, optimize efficiently, and upgrade seamlessly. Join my talk to revolutionize your cloud infrastructure journey in just minutes! Don't miss out on this game-changing solution!

Cloud Development Kit: Less Code, Better Infrastructure

Join our session led by AWS DevOps experts! Dive deep into Infrastructure as Code, focusing on AWS CDK. Write less code, ensure consistency, reuse components, and stay in your IDE. Perfect for developers simplifying infrastructure management

Mastering Metal: Our Journey to Stable, Reproducible Infrastructures with Talos Linux and Cozystack

How to deploy a reproducible environment on bare metal with Talos Linux. Our experience in developing an open platform designed for on-premise. How we ensure component stability on any hardware.

A multi-environment deployment strategy for a Kubernetes-based microservice architecture

Imagine a product made of a number of microservices on Kubernetes and dozens of devs working on them. Now imagine multiple environments, where they must be deployed, tested and demoed at the speed of light. Let's put all of this together in a design that satisfies devs, customers and SRE's nights!


Lunch & networking

Main lobby


Virtual Kubernetes Clusters: A New Approach to Multi-tenancy

Loft Labs
Virtual Kubernetes cluster is a new approach to dealing with Kubernetes multi-tenancy pain. With virtual k8s clusters, each tenant has what feels like a full-blown, dedicated cluster inside a shared host cluster. Let's learn how you can use a virtual cluster to save costs and improve productivity.


When Infrastructure as Code Ends - Jump in and Create Some More

Adding new functionality to Terraform can be daunting: it’s written only in Go (which you may not know) and you have to understand the architecture and work through less than welcoming documentation. I’ll provide a walkthrough from my experience with it, going from zero to publishing a provider.

Architecture of a Fintech Startup: Tackling Growing Complexity at Scale

Stenn International
A comprehensive overview of various aspects of building a highly scalable fintech startup with a product-led strategy. In this talk, I will share insights on different problems and solutions for tackling the inevitable growing complexity during the scaling of a fintech startup. He will also...


Caching the uncacheable in Varnish

Varnish Software
Learn how to accelerate web applications and APIs by caching the HTTP output in Varnish. Instead of focusing on basic use cases with static content that is easily cacheable, this presentation shows how to cache personalized content "on the edge", that is otherwise deemed uncacheable.


Day 2


Keynote: Developers are all the same

We know that developers are not all the same. But wait, they kind of are. Let’s explore the changing landscape that affects individuals and infrastructure alike, and a more recent approach in development where reproducibility, scalability, and resilience take precedence over handcrafted code.

Keynote: The state of SRE in 2024

SRE Author
Come and explore the landscape of SRE as it is in 2024, with the new trends, techniques and tools on the horizon.





Coffee break

Main lobby

Mastering OpenTelemetry Collector Configuration

Are you struggling to make sense of your telemetry data or overwhelmed by your system's sheer volume and complexity? Learn how the OpenTelemetry Collector can help you streamline data collection, optimize performance, and gain unparalleled insights into your applications.

The Subtle Art of Lying with Statistics

Lies, damned lies and statistics. But statistics allow you to lie to yourself. Statistics can trick us into believing things that are less than true, though not on purpose. Learn how data choice, event focus and scale change perspective. See how graphs mislead and correlation can cause confusion.

A deep dive into Perses, the GitOps Native dashboard visualization tool

Perses is to Prometheus as what Grafana was for graphite. And even though Grafana has become so much more, Perses is an extremely interesting new entry into the dashboad/visualisation space. This talk will have an up to date demo and some of the unique advantages Perses offers over alternatives.

Unlocking key metrics and patterns using Grafana

Grafana Labs
This talk is about Data analysts who mostly work as Data Scientists who need to visualize data mostly available in Google Excel data sets aka data sheets on the cloud and using Grafana can help to visualize and monitor it by using the Excel sheet plugin.


Lunch & networking

Main lobby

Improving the efficiency of more than 800 databases with observability: 4 years later

The presentation explores how observability can improve service quality down to the database level. The speaker will discuss how OVHcloud refined the efficiency of their information system databases. The talk shares a recipe for getting the most out of your DBMS and how to get rid of slow queries.


Alerts don't suck, YOUR alerts suck

When people tell me "alerts suck", I tell them "No, YOUR alerts suck." Here's why: We suck at creating alerts that are useful, meaningful, and most of all actionable. But there's good news: We'll show you how your alerts can suck less, and even be more manageable, using a few easy techniques.

DevOps Is Not Dead. Not Not by a Long Shot

FanDuel /
DevOps is not a trend that has come and gone. It's a cultural shift that has fundamentally changed how software is developed and deployed. While emerging practices like Platform Engineering may seem to be taking over, they are not meant to replace DevOps; instead, they are complementary to it.


Beyond Spans and Traces: Advanced Python Observability with OpenTelemetry

Outshift by Cisco
Attendees will learn through practical examples how to integrate OpenTelemetry for logs and metrics, moving beyond basic tracing to achieve a more holistic view of their applications. The session will also share examples of using open source tools for visualization.



Coffee break

Main lobby

Practical AI with Machine Learning for Observability in Netdata

In SreCON19, Todd Underwood from Google gave a presentation with the title “All of Our ML Ideas Are Bad (and We Should Feel Bad)”. Let’s see a few ML ideas, implemented in the open-source Netdata, that may not actually be that bad.

Beyond Reactive Security: Next-Gen Kubernetes Threat Hunting Powered by GenAI and eBPF

Unlock the future of Kubernetes security with GenAI and eBPF. Learn to predict, detect, and neutralize threats in real-time. This session reveals how AI and monitoring transform security strategies for engineers and platforms in fast-paced environments.

ChatGPT, LLMs, and LangChains - A Beginner's Guide

Would you like to do something more than just create prompts for ChatGPT? How about building an application? An application that utilises the power of generative AI. From scratch! All you need is Python knowledge, your laptop, and an open mind. We will cover the tricky bits and pitfalls as well!


New Approaches to Reduce Alert Noise AIOps

This talk will be particularly valuable for DevOps engineers looking to optimize their alert management systems and reduce the cognitive load caused by alert fatigue.


Lunch & networking

Main lobby

Generative AI Powered Omni-functional Decision Insights for SREs

This talk will explore the integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance decision-making and diagnosis in Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). Leveraging the capabilities of Generative AI, we propose an Omni-functional approach to synthesizing insights from diverse sources,...

Adopting Zero-Trust Security Strategy in Serverless application Deployment

Zero Trust Security Framework deployed as guardrails to verify every request as if it originates from an open network and anticipates that threats can be both internal and external using Enterprise Solutions like Hashicorp Sentinel and Open-source tools like Kyverno and Open Policy Agent.

What does "high priority" mean? The secret to happy queues

When delegating work to background jobs, developers often manage multiple queues, which can lead to unpredictable problems initially. In this talk, I propose a different approach based on latency tolerance to address common issues encountered with queues.



Coffee break

Main lobby


Kubernetes, AWS, ALBs, Terraform and no Helm!

Modus Create
You will see the advantages of using the k8s provider for terraform instead of helm to manage the k8s objects ("yamls"). It allows you to see and confirm exactly what changes will happen in your cluster. Later we'll see how to integrate that with the AWS ALB and forward traffic directly to pods.

Config files vs. flags: story of pain

Have you encountered a project where every single app reads a config file on startup? Have you struggled to find those files or change them? Did you feel that there is something off with this approach? Look no further! We will discuss when flags can solve all of these issues (and when they can't).

Klustered: Kubernetes Debugging Live

Rawkode Academy
You don't learn until your back is up against the wall and the clock is ticking down. Join us as we explore 3 broken Kubernetes clusters in an attempt to fix each one within less than 30 minutes.


On-Prem is the new Black

Alchemist Accelerator
The general trend in the industry is shifting towards cloud repatriation, this shift has caused what I call a knowledge gap. In this talk I aim to demystify on-prem environments and show engineers how easy and smooth it is to repatriate data from cloud to an on-prem air gap environment.


Lunch & networking

Main lobby

Oops, I deployed too hard

Sometimes you delete production, you drop tables, you change a conf and everything breaks but what if you upgraded the wrong environment, to the wrong version, of the wrong customer (that also happens to be the bigger your company has)? And what if you did it right before going to a long lunch?...

Debezium Server - New CDC runtime on the horizon!

Red Hat
Discover Debezium: Real-time database change streaming made seamless. Say goodbye to vendor lock-in with the innovative Debezium Server. Learn about parallelization and Kubernetes deployment using the Debezium Operator and supercharge your application performance.

Using, and mis-using Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Control

Thought Machine
Kubernetes Dynamic Admission control can be used for advanced validation and error correction of workloads. If you've ever wanted to make sure workloads in your clusters are conforming to security best practices, this talk will show you how!


Chaos as an Art: Crafting Chaos, Creating Order

Imagine a canvas where chaos reigns supreme, but in its depths a jaw-dropping order emerges. Witness chaos transformed into art and order into a masterpiece. In this talk, we will explore how to organise chaos in a controlled manner and create chaos scenarios with k6 fault injection.



AJ Jester
Alchemist Accelerator
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Ajuna Kyaruzi
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Alayshia Knighten
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Aleksei Popov
Stenn International
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Andrei Kvapil
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Andreia Otto
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Anthony Ekpechue
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Antonio Cobo Cuenca
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Birol Yildiz
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Carlo Ventrella
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Carly Richmond
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Chakkree Tipsupa
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Chris Cooney
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Costa Tsaousis
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Daniel Magliola
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Dave McAllister
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David Flanagan
Rawkode Academy
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Divine Odazie
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Erwin de Keijzer
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George Lestaris
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Gunnar Grosch
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Harel Safra
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Hrittik Roy
Loft Labs
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Jorge Luis Castro Toribio
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Joyce Lin
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Justin Garrison
Sidero Labs
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Kyle Forster
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Leon Adato
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Mahesh Venkataraman
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Marcin Szymaniuk
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Marcos Diez
Modus Create
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Mateusz Zaremba & Krzysztof Wilczynski
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Matt Simons
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Matteo Bianchi
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Michael Cote
VMware / Pivotal
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Michele Dodic & Francesco Sbaraglia
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Miko Pawlikowski
SRE Author
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Nicki Watt
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Nishkarsh Raj
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Oleg Fatkhiev
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Ondrej Babec & Jiri Novotny
Red Hat
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Ricardo Castro
FanDuel /
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Richard Finlay Tweed
Thought Machine
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Simon Hanmer & Ross Walker
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Steve Flanders
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Steve Wade
Steven Wade Consulting
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Syed Usman Ahmad
Grafana Labs
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Thijs Feryn
Varnish Software
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Wilfried Roset
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Yosef Arbiv
Outshift by Cisco
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Yusuf Tayman
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