Site Reliability, DevOps and Cloud

Sep 19-20, 2024 London, UK


Improve application resilience with chaos engineering

Gunnar Grosch

This session covers the basics of how to use isolation boundaries to build resilient applications, and dives deep into using chaos engineering and AWS Fault Injection Service (AWS FIS) to test those boundaries.

AWS provides isolation boundaries, including Availability Zones and AWS Regions, which can be used to meet high availability and continuity of operations requirements. To verify that your application behaves as expected, it’s critical to test its response to impairments. This session covers the basics of how to use isolation boundaries to build resilient applications, dives deep into using chaos engineering and AWS Fault Injection Service (AWS FIS) to test those boundaries, and provides best practices around continuous resilience to help you prevent regression and maintain application availability.

Gunnar is a Principal Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services (AWS) based in Sweden. He has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry and has previously worked as both a frontend and backend developer, as an operations engineer within cloud infrastructure, and as a technical trainer, in addition to several different management roles. With a focus on building reliable and robust serverless applications, Gunnar has been one of the driving forces in creating techniques and tools for using chaos engineering in serverless. He regularly and passionately speaks at events on these and other serverless topics around the world.

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