Site Reliability, DevOps and Cloud

Sep 19-20, 2024 London, UK


Unlocking key metrics and patterns using Grafana

Syed Usman Ahmad
Grafana Labs

This talk is about Data analysts who mostly work as Data Scientists who need to visualize data mostly available in Google Excel data sets aka data sheets on the cloud and using Grafana can help to visualize and monitor it by using the Excel sheet plugin.

Whether you are just starting your career or already an expert Data Analyst, you need multiple tools and techniques to manipulate data into visual metrics to track the most important KPIs in your organization. However, sharing such information with others can be challenging as it requires the same skills and tools to get the same results. In this talk, we will demonstrate an example of how you can visualize and monitor a time-series-based performance report dataset from an Excel sheet to represent it in various visualization formats and get key metrics or find trends in your Dataset Grafana dashboards. Also, we will gain insight into details by applying some filtering techniques that will give you a more adaptable and user-centric dashboard experience either for your personal projects or for the entire team. It will be an introduction to the Grafana Dashboards and also an excellent opportunity to learn more about utilizing advanced options to effectively extract and represent meaningful insights from complex data sets. Join us to learn more about Grafana dashboards, community contributions and share your feedback and suggestions!

Usman is a Senior Developer Advocate at Grafana Labs from Nuremberg, Germany. He works with the Open Source community on the community forum, GitHub and Slack. He has over 15 years of experience in IT and Cloud Support where he served multiple customers all over Europe, US, Japan, etc. He is an active international public speaker participating in multiple conferences and events. In his free time, Usman likes to spend time with his family, go out on occasional traveling and play games or read comics.

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