Navigating and managing an application estate can be overwhelming for Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) going into an organisation. What if you could instantly understand the codebase through visualisations, up-to-date technical document, and a chat experience, and pinpoint exactly where to focus your efforts? RiverSafe’s NeuroLogik application makes this possible. In this session, we'll demonstrate how to empower SREs to enhance automation, facilitate seamless collaboration with development teams, and surface organization-specific best practices and solutions, allowing you to quickly grasp your application estate and identify areas that require immediate attention.
Jerome Sadler is co-founder and Director of the AI-focussed startup FutureNow Solutions Ltd, and is an AI Partner for RiverSafe, working with RiverSafe at a FTSE 100 Company on the first in-house, AI-powered application that they approved for production use. Since completing his studies at Cambridge University, Jerome’s career has encompassed development and solutions architecture in Java and .NET in the Insurance (Xchanging) and Capital Markets industries (Coexis / GBST), Programme Management in the Telecommunications industry (Colt), as well as a variety of Technology Innovation consultancy roles. He sits on the Technology Advisory Board for the medical technology organisation CorporateHealth International. Latterly, he has focussed on the practical ways in which AI, in combination with more orthodox engineering approaches, can deliver meaningful outcomes to organisations.