SREday 2023

14 - 15 Sep London, UK
Site Reliability Engineering Conference

Stop configuring infrastructure, start coding it!

Martin Sakowski & Julian Lang

Infrastructure as Code is a best practice, but we are writing configuration files, not real code. Is there another way? Yes! In this session, we’ll dive into the open-source Cloud Development Kit that lets us define cloud infrastructure in languages like Python and TypeScript.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a best practice, but with most infrastructure automation frameworks out there, we are writing configuration files, not real code. Is there another way? Yes! In this session, we’ll dive into the open-source Cloud Development Kit (CDK) that lets us define cloud infrastructure and Kubernetes apps in familiar programming languages like Python, Java, C#, TypeScript, and JavaScript. After this session, you know how CDK works, what infrastructure you can automate with it, and how you could use it in your next project.

Martin Sakowski is a Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. He supports German enterprise customers on their journey to the cloud. He has a strong background in building digital platforms and serverless stacks. With this experience he loves to dive deep into architectures and development processes to drive performance, operational efficiency, and increase the speed of innovation.

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